Productivity and thoughts

Productivity is mind game. Some are more effective , some look effective, and some are just busy. Result matters and it matters in right direction. Meditation can be one solution to scan through daily time schedule and Making it more meaningful. Lets discuss factors that affects out productivity.

Optimize the consciousness

Productivity is not time optimization. It is mindfully living. Consciousness has habit of slipping away. Our thoughts are one kind of sense. Like good food, it has habit of slipping in daydreaming, hating someone, breaking head against wall, or addictions. Energy meant for larger good ends in wasteful life. Lets discuss wastage of awareness

1)     Addiction : We all are addicted. It is hard to ignore it. Video game, Netflix, mobile, or Television series we all have our own addiction. It is waste of effort and time. Energy is meant for larger good.

Consciousness and Productivity

Productivity has less link with time and more with consciousness. Attention has big thing to do. Unfocussed efforts are good in transactions. But most good work needs attention. That’s why low pay jobs or transactional jobs are so robotics. They are tiring too, physically. Jobs which requires thinking and review need lot of attention to detail, not only for work being done but also how it can be done. It is productive zone.

Emotions and Stress

All emotions are playing in extreme. We are loving too much, hating too much. Feeling exausted and tired. IN cave era, we were more happy. We have less choices. We were more satisfied. Now in era of over-trigger or over-race. Over trigger means more productivity. More race to fill time ahead. More goals and more expectations to get more from people and things. 

Are we designed for it ? Are we on verge of collapse ? No one know its impact on our conciousness. Though we have adopted the culture of changes with ease, but now changes are happening at very fast speed. 

Pursuit of happiness

People are looking for constant state of happiness. It is theoretically not possible. Happiness is most misunderstood concept. Some think it is peace + growth, peace+ joy, or peace + pleasure. There may be many versions. All want it consistent and growing. It is not possible.

It is sustainable by rewiring your mind. I thought once I get into IIT , I will be happy, They ,if I get a job, then if I get a marriage partner, then , If I get a baby.. List is never ending. It left me hungrier than fulfilled. Pursuit of such happiness never ends.

Why 4 days week works.

Microsoft took recent trial in Japan. Productivity jumped at 40%. In India, it is mandatory to have 45 hours in office. Human brain is not designed to work 45 hours a week continuously. More relaxation time to consciousness means more power to it to come back and attack with new plans.

Stupidity matrics

Carlos proposed stupidity metrics. It came to my attention. It looks interesting. Stupidity is global phenomena. Fascists use it for their benefits. It is commodity. You can use this metrics for your benefit. You just have to identify the right stupidity.

Self-loss - Others Loss – Stupid: Stupid people, Carlos explained, they are abundant. They are irrational. They cause problem to other for apparent benefit to themselves. They are known for loss –loss solutions. They are good in non-sense talk. They spend they attention on rumors, hate, anger, or jealousy.

Why adaptability is the single most important attribute?

Darwin said - Survival of the fittest. Is it true ? In current nature, Lion is disappearing, Tiger is disappearing, or elephant is disappearing. But dog is surviving. He is adaptable to situation. He has learned to adjust with biggest threat Human. Dog is not only surviving but thriving in today's situation.  Fittest may be the lion but he is lazy and egoistic. Tiger is much better in skill in comparison of a dog. He can run fast and looks are better too. They too are disappearing because they are not adjusting to the new situation or reality.