Current period of Supreme court’ aggression in India is interesting. Liberals are celebrating it – 377 gone, 497 gone. Some think that state is out of our bedroom. One Judge also stated – that adultery is morally wrong but not a crime. We want freedom. It is human nature celebrate each falling law.
Laws are there to control society. Companies are also small section of society with additional laws made by HR/owner. It is a control mechanism. Laws may be written or unwritten, they exit in even developed societies.
Morality is good in books. In real life, we have criminals. Nature work like it. We live in society full of risky elements. Laws are there to protect the weakest link. It is the ideal situation when all will follow morals and values. We are nowhere near.
We have police, court, quality department, HR department, security department, Auditors, or cameras all are doing policing to control us. Punishments may be notional but they are there. They all have one book of laws. Every religion or country work on law books. Every law is equality for someone and discrimination for other. Laws are walls to protect interest of powerful.
Morality will be the state where there is no law needed. It will be state of human freedom and equality. There will be no auditor or cameras. We are all monkeys with good mask. Integrity falls off when opportunity arise.
It is true excessive laws and control are killing human expressions. Control or pain should be optimal and fair. Excessive control fails state, company, religion, or family. As society will progress laws will fall one after another. Many of them will remain in in books. Technology will take over.